Energy Efficiency Upgrade Contractors in Dallas

There are many reasons to make your home or business more energy efficient. First, it’s the right thing to do. In the U.S., homes and businesses consume 40% of all energy used in the country. Resources such as water and electricity are limited, and the more we conserve, the better off all of us will be. 

But there are other reasons to take steps toward greater energy efficiency. For one, when you improve the energy efficiency in your home or business, you increase its value. For another, you reduce your monthly utility bills, saving money. 

Read on. We’ll talk about some steps you can take toward the best energy-efficient upgrades in Dallas and how Denali Environmental can help you choose the right upgrades for your home or business.

Energy Efficiency Upgrades to Consider

Here are some of the most effective upgrades to consider.

Smart Thermostats & Lighting

Smart thermostats are programmable, so you can automatically regulate the temperature in your home or business. Set the thermostat to account for times you are asleep, in the building, or away. If you turn your thermostat down by 10-15% for eight hours, you can save up to 10-15% on utility bills. 

These handy devices enable you to adjust the temperature from your smartphone, a simple screen, or a voice command. They also provide data so you can track your habits and energy consumption. In this way, you use only the energy you need for comfort and no more.

Similarly, smart lighting is a way to control the lighting in your home with an app or smart home assistant. You can automate your lights and never use a wall switch again. Most smart lighting uses smart LED bulbs. Besides lasting up to 30,000 hours to incandescent bulbs’ 1,000, LED bulbs stay cool and consume little electricity. 

Water-Saving Plumbing Fixtures

When it comes to saving water, you have several options.

Sink Faucets

Choosing WaterSense-labeled fixtures help you use less water and save on your water bill. The standard flow for faucets is 2.2 gallons per minute. WaterSense faucets use 30% less water for a maximum of 1.5 gallons per minute. Using WaterSense faucets for one year can save 700 gallons of water, about as much as you would use for 45 showers.

Low-Flow Toilets

Low-flow toilets are another excellent way to conserve water. An average family can reduce water usage by 20-60% and save up to $140 yearly on water bills. These toilets have greatly improved since they first came out in the 1990s. Since then, manufacturers have diligently worked to improve efficiency and performance.

Today, all WaterSense toilets must be independently certified to meet national plumbing standards.


Showering consumes 17% of the water a family uses. Standard showerheads spray out 2.5 gallons of water per minute (gpm). After intensive testing, the USEPA drafted WaterSense specifications that set the maximum gpm at 2.0, 20% more efficient than traditional showerheads. 

The testing included regular people who tried different showerheads and judged them by how well they maintained flow under different water pressures, the pattern the showerhead emitted, and how much power the flow delivered.  

If every shower in the U.S. had a WaterSense showerhead, it would save over $1.5 billion yearly in water bills.

Air Purification Systems

Indoor air quality is the condition of the air in a residential or commercial building. Indoor air pollution can come from appliances that burn fossil fuels, cigarette smoke, building materials, pressed wood products, cleaning products, and more. 

Poor indoor air quality can trigger allergies and cause immediate or long-term health impacts in a home or business, including eye, nose, and throat irritation, dizziness, headaches, and fatigue. Whether you’re interested in prevention or dealing with a known problem, Denali can help eliminate allergens, pollutants, and odors.

We offer advanced products that require little maintenance and cover your entire home or building. Count on us to recommend the most effective air purifiers, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, ventilators, and UV lamps to meet your particular challenges. Here are three examples:

  • Germicidal UV lights installed in your HVAC system kill mold, toxins, viruses, and bacteria
  • Whole-house air purifiers operate constantly, filtering out 99% of pollen, dust, and particles in the air
  • Merv-13 air filters capture 97% of particles 3-10 microns in size

Water Purification Systems

Water is one of the essentials of life, and our communities have come a long way toward providing clean water to our homes and businesses. But how clean is it? Water from the tap has traveled quite a distance to get to you and perhaps picked up sediment, rust, and smells along the way. It has also been exposed to various chemicals, including chlorine. Why would you want to subject your family or employees to questionable water?

Manufacturers have refined water purification systems in the last few years, and there are several options. You can still install a purifier only for drinking water, but there are also filtration systems that treat all the water in your home. Now you can shower in fresh, clean water and brush your teeth without strange or chemical tastes. Here are a few different types of purifiers for drinking-only or whole-house systems:

  • UV purifiers use UV light to kill bacteria, viruses, cysts, protozoans, and fungi in water.
  • Reverse osmosis systems use several filters – carbon, sediment, and a post filter. The final stage is reverse osmosis, in which water passes through a semi-permeable membrane, removing 99.99% of all impurities.
  • Carbon filter systems use activated carbon from charcoal, coconut, bone char, or wood to remove chlorine, chloramine, pesticides, herbicides, and certain chemicals.

Power Generators

We’ve had more extreme weather events in the last few years, and often power outages accompany them. In some cases, the outages are inconvenient; in others, they could be life-threatening, especially in cases where individuals in a household or business depend on electrically-powered medical equipment.

Standby generators are heavy-duty generators that are hardwired into your home or business and automatically start when they sense a power outage.

Having a backup generator can give you reliable electric service and, most importantly, peace of mind that your household or business energy will continue flowing regardless of the state of the grid. A generator can also be an important source of electricity continuity if you are operating on a renewable power source.

Why Choose Denali Environmental for Efficiency Upgrades?

When you decide to improve the energy efficiency of your home or business, Denali Environmental partners with you to select the upgrades that are right for you and install them quickly, efficiently, and professionally. 

We are proud of our excellent track record as one of Dallas’s most trusted commercial, home, and energy audit contractors. Our employees have extensive experience installing smart thermostats and lighting, water-saving fixtures, air purification systems, water purification systems, and power generators. 

Our commitment to quality work means keeping up with the latest technologies and approaching our projects with a commitment to quality and the highest customer satisfaction.


Do energy-efficient solutions increase home value?

They do! For example, a home with LED lightbulbs, dual-pane windows, energy-efficient appliances, or solar panels will typically sell at a higher price. Buyers see that their costs would be less over time with an energy-efficient home.

How do you qualify for energy efficiency upgrades?

Submit your federal Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit upgrades when you do your taxes. You must submit the expenses for the year you installed the upgrades, not the year you purchased them.

What are energy-efficient home improvements?

Energy-efficient home improvements are those that cause your home to consume less energy. These upgrades are good for the environment and also save on energy bills.

What home energy improvements are eligible for a tax credit?

The IRS website lists the following qualified expenses. See the IRS website for details.
– Building envelope components such as doors, windows, and insulation
– Home energy audits
– Residential energy property such as HVAC systems, water heaters, and furnaces
– Heat pumps, biomass stoves, and boilers

Begin Your Journey Toward Greater Energy Efficiency Today!

Our knowledgeable customer service representatives are standing by to discuss your Dallas energy efficiency needs. At your request, they will create a personalized quote for your home or business based on your requirements and goals.

Call Denali Environmental today for more information on how your home or business can be more energy efficient and save money. Contact us online or call 214-350-9555 to speak live with a Denali Environmental representative.